Losing a job can have a devastating affect on an individual, losing a job unfairly will no doubt cause tremendous pain and suffering for the ex-employee. The urge for revenge against the company or boss is justifiable but just how far will some people go to extract that revenge? Answer, from beyond the grave!
A man sought out a solicitors in Birmingham (West Midlands, UK) after being unfairly dismissed from his job. His crime? Taking time off to go on life saving kidney dialysis machine. Life was made very difficult for the anonymous man by his evil employer AND fellow employees!
Sadly the man was not around to see his day of victory because he had died from kidney failure but his parents fought the case for him and they fought hard. Nearly 2 years after reaching his final resting place the Birmingham man was awarded £44,500 compensation for being unlawfully pressed out of his job.
The engineer eventually ended up getting the sack from his workplace after being forced to miss several hours in one week. Again his only crime was seeking urgent medical attention.
The parents of the deceased man announced in a press release this week that all they wanted to do was clear their beloved sons name. All proceeds from the cash will be donated to a local medical centre in Birmingham.